150 YEARS of ALICE - Brian D. Barnes

MBE One Man Theatre in


by Lewis Carroll

Directed by Bonnie Hurren

Once upon a golden afternoon three little girls, Alice, Lorinda and Edith (the daughters of Henry Liddell, Dean of Christ Church), were enjoying a boating and picnicking trip on the Thames. At the oars were two Oxford Dons, the Rev. Charles Dodgson and his friend Rev. Robinson Duckworth. “Tell us a story, please!” cried the Liddell sisters.

“In slight desperation” as he gazed at “the three eager faces, hungry for news of fairy-land”, Dodgson decided “to send my heroine down a rabbit-hole without the least idea of what was to happen afterwards.” The children were so enchanted with the story that Alice begged him to write it down. This he did, and several months later presented her with a hand-written book entitled ALICE'S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND with thirty-seven self-drawn illustrations.

Dodgson developed the story considerably and in 1865, on commission by Macmillan & Co., it was published with illustrations by Punch cartoonist John Tenniel, and with the name of the author changed to Lewis Carroll under the title ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. The book was an immediate success and over the next quarter century there were thirty re-printings. It has been translated into innumerable foreign languages and widely adapted and performed in various forms.

To mark the sesquicentenary of the publication, Brian is reviving this popular production by Bonnie Hurren which retains Carroll’s original title but includes sections from both versions.


Gastspiel in englischer Sprache

MIT Brian D. Barnes

Sonntag, 22.11.2015, 15 UHR & Montag, 23.11.2015, 20 UHR

Dauer ca. 100 min, eine Pause


About Brian D. Barnes

In 2013 Brian chalked up 60 years as a professional actor, and in 2008 celebrated his Golden Jubilee in ONE MAN THEATRE. Since 1966, he has devoted his activities exclusively to solo performing, specializing in bringing to life dramatizations of famous authors of English literature: others being Dickens, Wilde and Dylan Thomas.

Circling many times round the globe, Brian became an international artist in the truest sense of the word. His extensive repertoire of lively shows with lots of movement and characterization enable him to reach audiences from a wide variety of cultures and faiths. He has played in Iraq, Nepal, India, the Far East and the Pacific Islands on several occasions; his geographical boundaries know no limit, stretching from Canada to Southern Chile, from Norway to New Guinea via Iran and Kabul – even to South Sudan! In all he has performed in eighty-seven countries! His recordings and B.B.C. World Service broadcasts have introduced him to armchair audiences in both hemispheres.

In the 2004 Queen’s Birthday Honours List Brian was awarded an M.B.E. for services to drama.

Wallgraben Theater
Das kleine Schauspielhaus in Freiburg

Wallgraben Theater

Rathausgasse 5a
79098 Freiburg

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